
The rain was coming. Everyone thought this would be a good thing. It hadn't rained in months and the earth was dry as a bone

- It wasn't a surprise that everyone thought a good rain was what was needed, but they never expected how much rain would actually arrive.

The rain was coming. Everyone thought this would be a good thing. It hadn't rained in months and the earth was dry as a bone. It wasn't a surprise that everyone thought a good rain was what was needed, but they never expected how much rain would actually arrive.


Don't be scared. The things out there that are unknown aren't scary in themselves. They are just unknown at the moment. Take the time to know them before you list them as scary. Then the world will be a much less scary place for you.
Welcome to my world. You will be greeted by the unexpected here and your mind will be challenged and expanded in ways that you never thought possible. That is if you are able to survive...

Was it enough? That was the question he kept asking himself. Was being satisfied enough? He looked around him at everyone yearning to just be satisfied in their daily life and he had reached that goal. He knew that he was satisfied and he also knew it wasn't going to be enough.

I'm meant to be writing at this moment. What I mean is, I'm meant to be writing something else at this moment. The document I'm meant to be writing is, of course, open in another program on my computer and is patiently awaiting my attention. Yet here I am plonking down senseless sentiments in this paragraph because it's easier to do than to work on anything particularly meaningful. I am grateful for the distraction.

There were about twenty people on the dam. Most of them were simply walking and getting exercise. There were a few who were fishing. There was a family who had laid down a blanket and they were having a picnic. It was like this most days and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The problem was that nobody noticed the water leaking through the dam wall.
There was a reason for her shyness. Everyone assumed it had always been there but she knew better. She knew the exact moment that the shyness began. It had been that fateful moment at the lake. There are just some events that do that to you.

Title: The rain was coming. Everyone thought this would be a good thing. It hadn't rained in months and the earth was dry as a bone
Author: Freddie Unciano Published Date: 2022-11-02 16:45:08


  1. Freddie Unciano says:
    5 months ago


  2. Freddie Unciano says:
    5 months ago

    test 1.2 edited

  3. Freddie Unciano says:
    5 months ago


  4. Frederic Tuazon says:
    5 months ago

    comment from frederic

    1. Freddie Unciano says:
      5 months ago

      test edited

    2. Freddie Unciano says:
      5 months ago

      ullamcorper justo pretium at. Nulla rhoncus metus a egestas dapibus. In scelerisque vel neque eu dictum. Morbi in elit et justo molestie pharetra eu ut justo. Sed at sodales nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut sed convallis lacus. Vestibulum sed dolor vel felis rutrum pharetra sed et lectus. Ut ut finibus felis.

  5. julius says:
    5 months ago

    make this comment from juliius

    1. Freddie Unciano says:
      5 months ago

      testing again 2.0

    2. Freddie Unciano says:
      5 months ago

      testing natin ulit

  6. Web Master says:
    5 months ago


    1. Freddie Unciano says:
      5 months ago

      Etiam volutpat arcu erat, sit amet ullamcorper justo pretium at. Nulla rhoncus metus a egestas dapibus. In scelerisque vel neque eu dictum. Morbi in elit et justo molestie pharetra eu ut justo

  7. Freddie Unciano says:
    5 months ago

    testing edited

    1. Freddie Unciano says:
      5 months ago


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