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    PeachWiz Solutions

    PeachWiz IT, AI, AIoT, & Media Solutions

    Explore our PeachWiz solutions and discover how they can empower your business or organization.

    PeachWiz Solutions

    Pioneering the innovations that empower tomorrow!

    PeachWiz's expansive network of subsidiaries and divisions reflects the company's unwavering commitment to addressing the diverse needs of individuals and organizations across a wide range of industries and educational settings. This strategic approach allows PeachWiz to put its innovative solutions to the test in real-world scenarios, ensuring that they effectively meet the evolving demands of the marketplace.

    PeachWiz: Harnessing AI for Positive Impact

    PeachWiz is a company dedicated to leveraging the power of AI to develop solutions that positively impact the world. At the core of their mission lies the belief that technology can transform and enrich lives.

    AI-Powered Directories and

    PeachWiz's AI-powered directories provide a streamlined way for individuals to access essential information swiftly and effortlessly. AskForHelp®.ai complements this by offering real-time support and assistance, making critical guidance more accessible.

    MyHOA.Tech: Revolutionizing Community Management

    MyHOA.Tech™ revolutionizes community management by streamlining communication, boosting resident involvement, and automating administrative processes. This secure, user-friendly web portal is tailored to each homeowners association's (HOA) unique needs.

    CCTV Security Systems: Top-Tier Protection for Properties

    PeachWiz's CCTV Security Systems offer top-tier protection for properties, utilizing AI-powered IoT devices for monitoring and maintenance. Their skilled engineers, technicians ensure innovative, flawless installation and maintenance for optimal property surveillance under any condition.'s, Searchmercials, and SearchTube: Redefining Digital Advertising and Video Discovery A content discovery division that develops and licenses a patented broadcast network platform system (WWBN®) for media companies, enhancing content accessibility and engagement.

    SearchTube and Searchmercials: Enhancing Video Search Experience

    Searchmercials® delivers personalized, captivating video advertisements, ensuring maximum viewer engagement. SearchTube® enhances content discovery by helping users uncover videos aligned with their preferences.

    AVideo and OS.TV: Enhancing Video Content and Viewing Experience

    AVideo® elevates video content by improving its quality, searchability, and visibility. OS.TV reimagines TV viewing with personalized content recommendations tailored to individual viewer preferences.

    PeachWiz: Integrating AI for Enhanced Efficiency and Engagement

    PeachWiz's incubated subsidiaries and divisions play a crucial role in translating this vision into reality across various sectors. Each entity brings its unique expertise and focus to the table, enabling PeachWiz to address a comprehensive range of needs. PeachWiz is committed to harnessing the power of AI to create solutions that have a substantial positive impact on the world. At the heart of this mission is the belief in the transformative power of technology to simplify and enrich lives.